Limestone Coast implements H.Prime
Limestone Coast Local Health Network implements H.Prime, a mobile tool to facilitate and streamline medical education administration.
Limestone Coast Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) in rural South Australia, is provided by Flinders University Rural Health SA (FURHSA), in conjunction with Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service (MGDHS).
Why H.Prime? The aim is to empower Doctors-in-Training by providing a contemporary one-single platform for their education and training so that they have more time for patient care and professional development. Through HPrime, Limestone Coast will be automating the process of:
- 360 Multi-source Feedback
- Mini-CEX, DOPS, CBDs, In-Training Assessments
- Clinical Resource Sharing and Orientation
- WBA AMC, Calibration, Management Reports and Analytics
From the Medical Education Administration perspective, H.Prime 2 has helped hospitals achieve 70% operative efficiencies, and massive reduction in cumbersome processes and provides over 100+ Pre-built WBA, PGY Management Reports and Analytics.
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