Wide Bay implements H.Prime 2

We are excited to announce the implementation of H.Prime 2 at Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service in Queensland.
H.Prime is empowering the new generation of clinicians by providing Paperless, Secure Workplace Based Assessments, AHPRA Assessments including ORIG-30, WRIG-30, PGY Assessments, Online Educational Resources and Junior Doctors.
From the Medical Education Administration perspective, H.Prime 2 has helped hospitals achieve 70% operative efficiencies, massive reduction in cubersome process and provides over 100+ Pre-built Management Reports and Analytics.
We look forward to working alongside the Wide Bay Health Service team and streamlining their medical administration process via H.Prime 2 innovative solution.
About: H.Prime is a mobile tool to facilitate medical education via online assessments (EPAs), educational resource share, analytics and more. Save cost and increase clincian’s efficiency, by allowing more time for patient care or professional development.
LIVE Demo: www.hprime.com.au/contact